Interested in joining me to do empirical research in the area of Model-Based Engineering?
Information about the research topic
I am looking for a dedicated PhD student studying how software/system models are created in the context of Model-Based System/Software Engineering. In Model-Based Engineering, models serve as a way to improve efficiency and effectiveness of software/systems development. While the range of proposed modelling languages and techniques is substantial, adoption has in many areas been limited. One of the reasons for limited adoption is that engineers lack guidance in how to use models. As a first step, the aim of this PhD position is study in depthhow models are created, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Information about the department and the university
You will join me in the Center for Research on Engineering Software Systems (CRESS, https://en.ru.is/cress) at the School of Computer Science, Reykjavík University. The school covers a board range of research topics in Computer Science and is engaged in several national and international research projects, often interdisciplinary in nature.
Reykjavík University is a private university located in Reykjavík, Iceland. The university currently hosts approximately 3500 students, divided into the Schools of Computer Science, Business, Law, and Science and Engineering. All of Reykjavík University is located in a single building in one of the most beautiful areas of Reykjavík.
Qualification requirements
To be eligible for this position, you should have/be about to obtain an MSc degree. With a degree in Software Engineering or Computer Science, your expertise would be most closely related to the topic. However, if you are a strong candidate with a background in other empirical sciences you are very much encouraged to apply as well. In fact, having a solid empirical background could be advantageous to a background in Software Engineering/Computer Science. Specifically, I consider knowledge in any of the following areas an advantage: Model-Based Engineering/Software Modelling, qualitative and/or quantitative empirical methods.
Position summary
Full-time temporary employment (currently paid 365,000 ISK per month before taxes, roughly 3000 USD at current exchange rate). You are expected to finish your PhD within four years’ time. The position includes teaching duties of roughly 20%.
Application procedure
Interested applicants should send the following documents (in PDF format) directly to me via mail (grischal@ru.is):
- CV
- Two letters of reference (e.g., from academic supervisors, former bosses)
- A 1 to 3-page personal letter where you introduce yourself and present your qualifications/experience/interests
- Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports
- Bachelor and/or Master thesis.
- Research publications, if existent
- Links to software repositories with relevant projects, if existent
We will start reviewing applications as soon as they arrive and will continue to accept applications until the position is filled. We strongly encourage interested applicants to send their applications as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, want more details on the position, or just check before sending in your application, please contact me directly!
Grischa Liebel
Assistant Professor | School of Computer Science, Reykjavík University
grischal@ru.is, http://academia.grischaliebel.de